Guelph Kayak Club
What you need to know about Guelph Kayak Club
At GKC we focus on whitewater paddling kayaks, canoes, and blowup hotdogs! We paddle throughout the year whenever is possible and we go wherever there are good rivers. I.e. in Ontario, Quebec, New York, and beyond. Our weekly paddles happen from about March to Dec/Jan in Elora Gorge.
The club welcomes guests and those who want to give whitewater paddling a try with us (warning: you may get hooked for life); however, as a regular paddler you need to be a current member of Guelph Kayak Club in order to be covered for liabilities when you participate in our activities.
GKC Memebership
You can get membership for GKC in two steps. First, you sign up(It is free) for CKC organization. Next, follow the prompt after the CKC registration to fill GKC waiver form and pay for your membership
Sign up for GKC
Where and how to stay in touch
This site provides an overview of our club, and most of our online conversations happen over on our Facebook Group
(If you are trying to join our Facebook group with an alias name, you need to tell us who you are in real name in advance)
Weekly paddles: During off season we paddle when possible. Check our Facebook for ongoing conversation, and
information on Pool sessions
Wednesday evenings: TBA
Sunday mornings: TBA
Shuttling how-to:
Due to construction work near our put-in spot the meeting place may vary, check with us.
Everyone meets at the meeting spot (Victoria Park in Elora ) to unload boats and gear; we then drive all vehicles to the take-out and come back with as few cars as possible, you should leave a set of dry cloths at the take-out so you can get a ride to your car if needed. We then walk from the parking to put-in trail. After the paddle a few drivers may need to get a ride back to the top, so be nice to your fellow paddlers.
(Exceptions: when water level allow, we might meet and start at uppper Irvine River put-in), OR lower Irvine putin
( We meet at where the bridge crosses the Irvine River on Irvine St north of Salem)
Highway 7 runs water levels